Robbie Goodhue
Robbie Goodhue is a Senior Experimental Officer at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) since 2001 and Director of Fastnet Analytical Limited, and works on a diverse range of academic and industry-focused projects. In 2006 he diagnosed pyritic heave in sub-floor aggregate and since then his research has largely focused on building materials. He is a Funded Investigator in iCRAG (Irish Research Centre for Geosciences) and presently he supervises one PhD student who is fingerpriniting quarry sources in aggregate and one MSc student who is developing a method of quantification of ‘free-mica’ in <63 µm fines in sand and concrete.
In 2013 he established Fastnet Analytical Limited to provide geological consultancy to a wide range of geotechnical laboratories, quarries, insurance and private companies in Ireland. Many of the activities involve Quality Control or specification-lead analysis, but others are product R&D and forensic in nature which require a broad range of field and laboratory skills.
Since 2015 he has been a member of the NSAI Technical Committee for aggregates where he has worked on various National Standards involved aggregates such as S.R.21, I.S. 398, S.R.16 and I.S.465.